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Department of Artificial Intelligence

Department of Artificial Intelligence


Artificial intelligence has become an inevitable technology in the new industrial and technological revolution. Artificial intelligence is a multidisciplinary field including deep learning, machine learning, reinforcement learning and big data. The application of artificial intelligence includes computer vision and natural language processing and also creates new economical and industrial values for medical, bio, smart city, smart factory and business analytics.

Department of Artificial Intelligence aims to cultivate professionals in the artificial intelligence area. We offer a unique curriculum of the key artificial intelligence technologies including deep learning and machine learning as well as software development technologies. In addition, the project-based learning offers practical experience in various domains for students to achieve excellence in both academic and practical abilities. We have multiple education and research support programs to cultivate creative and competitive artificial intelligence professionals.


인공지능학과 교수진 소개 테이블 표
Name Title Major Phone
Koh, Yeongjun Associate Professor Computer Vision +82 42 821 5442

Kwon, Jingun

Assistant Professor

Natural Language Processing

+82 42 821-5449

Kim, Kyungsup Professor Maching learning ,Scientific computing, Signal processing +82 42 821 5440
Kim, Ki-Il Professor Mobile Network, Embedded Network +82 42 821 6856
Kim, Young-Kuk Professor Mobile, Real-time Data Management +82 42 821 5450
Kim, Jaejeung Assistant Professor

Human-Computer Interaction, Digital Healthcare, Human-AI Interaction

+82 42 821 6654
Kim, Jongik Professor Database Systems, Query Processing and Optimization +82 42 821-7252
Kim, Hyong-Shik Professor Computer System Architecture & Security +82 42 821-6277
Ryou, Jaecheol Professor Information Security +82 42 821-5443
Park, Cheong Hee
Patterm Recognition, Data Mining
+82 42 821 6293
Park, Jihun
Assistant Professor

AI System, Autonomous Driving, Computer Vision

+82 42 821-6660

Yang, Heecheol
Assistant Professor
Distributed Networks, Distributed Computing
+82 42 821-6656
Won, Yoojae Professor Cyber Security, Mobile Communication Security +82 42 821-6294
Lee, Kyu-chul Professor Database +82 42 821 6658
Lee, Sung Ho Assistant Professor Programming Languages, Program Analysis +82 42 821-5445

Lee, Jongryul

Assistant Professor

Model Lightweighting, Machine Learning, Graph Mining

+82 42 821-6271
Lim, Sungsu Associate Professor Big Data, Network Science +82 42 821 5448
Jhang, Kyoungson Professor AI, Computer Vision +82 42 821 6653
Jang, Jinsoo Assistant Professor Information Security, System Security +82 42 821 6275
Jung, Sangkeun Associate Professor Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning +82 42 821-5444
Jo, Seungbum Assistant Professor

Algorithms and Data Structures

+82 42 821-5447
Cho, Eun-Sun Professor Programming Language +82 42 821 6857
Choi, Hoon Professor Distributed System +82 42 821 6652
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